Nike Uses a "Social" Billboard Campaign to Promote Customization in Copenhagen

Nike recently launched an innovative billboard campaign in Copenhagen, Denmark that featured a team of Nike graffiti designers customizing a Nike iD billboard in "real-time" based on Facebook community engagement.

Over a two week period, Nike graffiti artists spray painted a giant white shoe billboard to mirror the most "liked" designs in the Nike Free Run 2 iD Facebook page. On the dedicated Nike Facebook page, consumers can download a Free Run 2 iD application that allows them to customize their shoes and have the ability to purchase them directly on Fans can view a complete gallery of designs and vote on them using Facebook "like" functionality.

Check out Nike's unique social billboard campaign below:

Nike Hits the Subway to Write the Future

Are you looking for new ways to promote team/player affiliations in high-traffic outdoor settings? Are you looking for new ways to "own" subway and train stations?

Nike leveraged is "Write the Future" World Cup campaign in Denmark by giving a subway station in Norreport a complete makeover. The campaign was designed to demonstrate Nike's support for Denmark footballer Nicklas Bendtner, with the hope that he could guide his team to the promise land and become a leading scorer in the World Cup.

Check out Nike's terrific metro station branding initiative in the video and photos enclosed below:

Source: Nakedcomms cph's Flickr Photostream