LeBron James, Meet LeBomb James

Are you looking to tie on-court success into sales driving initiatives at retail? Are you looking for new ideas in the spirits category?

Cleveland Cavaliers fans have sparked a spirits trend sweeping the nation (mostly among Cavs faithful) that will soon become a mainstream phenomenon - the LeBomb James.

After ordering and downing a LeBomb James (a shot that includes Crown Royal, Pineapple Juice, Grenadine, and Sprite), Cavs fans take two (2) sugar packets and throw them in the air at the bar, mirroring the star's chalk toss. While the origin of the shot is unknown (could it be a subtle sales driver created by Crown Royal?), the originality behind the contents is creative to say the least:

  • 1-2 shots crown royal (because Lebron is "King James)
  • 1/2 can of pineapple juice (representing the Cavs' gold)
  • Sprite (is Lebron's sponsor)
  • Splash of grenadine (representing the Cavs' wine)

*Another mix includes Crown Royal and Grenadine dropped into Red Bull, with two (2) packets of sugar (for the reenactment)

Check out a video of the shot experience in action.  Expect there to be thousands of more videos posted on the web soon in the near future, and plenty of spirits companies looking to team up with fans to create exclusive shots of their own!