Hotels Feel The Spring in Their Step

Hotel chains sure know their market and seasonality, don't they? Spring training has arrived and baseball fans are not the only ones excited. The Westward Look Resort in Tucson, AZ is offering a seasonal package for fans to come see the Arizona Diamondbacks, Colorado Rockies, and Chicago White Sox.

The hotel resort is offering consumers a special package offer:

  • Suite-size accomodations
  • Complimentary t-shirts, hats and sunscreen
  • Access to resort restaurants, a spa, and outdoor activities...

How much does such a deal cost? Well, you are looking at $1,075 for five (5) nights and $1,323 for seven (7) nights...

Which brings up an interesting point... Will we see any MLB teams offer their fans traveling to Spring Training VIP experiences through partnerships with hotel chains located in these markets?