The University of South Carolina Brings Signage to Life for Fans...

Are you looking for new ways to make your messaging relevant with fans?

Try experimenting with making your signage "real time". Eric Nichols and his group at the University of South Carolina created a unique billboard countdown campaign using digital technology to promote the start of the Gamecocks' men's basketball season. To drive fan awareness and excitement just prior to the season, Nichols' group displayed an outdoor digital billboard in Columbia, South Carolina that featured a countdown until the season's tipoff. The principle of using a countdown clock, an element commonly used on team webpages, serves as an effective awareness driver for fans.

The basketball themed billboard served as a great way for the USC athletic department to cut through the clutter of the ongoing SEC football season and remind fans that another great season of Gamecocks basketball was right around the corner. Check out how Eric's team used digital billboard messaging to illustrate the countdown: